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  • 6 min read
In our day to day lives, we are exposed to numerous toxins, including alcohol, food additives, preservatives, and caffeine. While our body’s systems work together to process, transport, and get rid of these toxins, excesses can overwhelm the body’s natural detox system, leading to a need for a little extra TLC. Keep reading to learn more about how detoxification happens in the body, why it’s crucial for our overall health and wellness, and how we can support our body’s natural pathways with our self care regimen, including supplements.
  • 5 min read
Picture this: you’re jamming to your favorite getting ready playlist, getting glam, feeling excited for the night ahead. You know you have a fun dinner out with friends, and then you’ll see where the night takes you. But you can’t get one looming thought out of your mind: “I won’t want to go out if I’m bloated from dinner”. Or, you’re already out, and you realize your unbuttoned jeans will be visible the second you stand up.
  • 7 min read
The nutrition and dietetics space is so oversaturated that it may be difficult to discern myth from fact. The internet is full of recipes, information, and science that seems to be all over the place! We know that this can be confusing and worrisome, especially when trying to keep our bodies feeling their best, embarking on a new health journey, or trying out a new fitness routine. 
  • 5 min read
As we know, having a routine makes life way easier, and more fun by allowing us to create space for self-care and other activities that we enjoy. Nutrition plays a major role in how we fuel our bodies throughout the day, allows us to incorporate movement that makes us feel good, and improves overall mood. One of the newest health and nutrition trends, intermittent fasting, or IF, provides a day-to-day structured eating pattern and has been shown to have multiple health benefits.
  • 3 min read
Even with a perfect wellness routine, keeping active, and eating mindfully that we do, sometimes bloat likes to creep back in, just to remind us that it’s still there. From hydrating properly, eating all things nutritious, and moving our bodies, bloating, unfortunately, is something we can’t hide from for very long. 
