Meet Siff, Co-Founder of Arrae
create natural products that really work!
Weight gain/loss is linked to our hormones. Specifically 3 different hormones.
Ghrelin, the hunger hormone that tells your body to eat.
Leptin, the hormone that tells your body that it’s full and to stop eating.
Cortisol, the stress hormone which can increase appetite.
So what does sleep have to do with all of this? Well turns out, when we are sleep deprived, our bodies makes more ghrelin, which is why we reach for snacks when we’re tired; less leptin, which is why we can’t stop eating that bag of spicy Cheetos; and more cortisol, which has us craving comfort foods.
You may be wondering why. Well, it all has to do with your REM sleep. REM sleep is the stage of sleep where our brains are more active than any other stage. This sort of activity requires fuel, which our bodies pull from glucose, the basic building block of most foods.
Our sleep has 4 different stages, so when we get 6 hours or less of sleep, we cut off our last REM period, which is when our brain uses the most calories. Good news is we can sleep better, and get deeper REM sleep.
Here are 4 easy tips:
1. Commit to a sleep schedule
Pick the same wake up and sleep time every day. A regular sleep schedule allows our brain to know when it’s time to sleep and be awake. The more regular our sleep cycle, the more likely we are to fall and stay asleep, allowing for us to make the most of our REM sleep cycle.
2. Have your last drink 3 hours before bedtime
On average, it takes 4 hours to metabolize an alcoholic beverage. While alcohol makes us drowsy, it keeps us out of the deep stages of sleep which are critical for weight loss. So the next time you’re out, drink a glass of water for every glass of alcoholic beverage consumed, and stop all alcohol 3 hours before your bedtime.
3. Hello sunshine
Light resets our biological clock every day, and getting sunlight in the morning is a critical piece in better quality sleep. Getting 15 minutes of sunlight, 30-60 minutes upon waking keeps our sleep rhythm regular.
4. Try Arrae Sleep Alchemy Capsules
If you’re wanting to increase the quality of your deep and REM sleep stages, try our Sleep Alchemy Capsules, a melatonin-free blend of 4 herbs and a neurotransmitter. This potent formula helps achieve high-quality sleep, without morning drowsiness.
When we don’t get enough high quality sleep, our hormones can become off balance impacting both our mental and physical health. A good night’s sleep plays a critical role in digestion, emotional wellbeing, immunity, and disease prevention. Our Sleep Alchemy Capsules contain a natural blend of 4 herbs and a neurotransmitter, which were carefully chosen to interact synergistically and promote deep, uninterrupted sleep.
Decrease in the amount of time it takes to fall asleep when taking GABA*
Less night time awakening when taking chamomile*
Higher chance of reporting better sleep when taking valerian root*
“I’d struggled with health issues for years and turned to natural remedies as a last resort.
After troubleshooting my own health problems through the use of herbs, minerals and vitamins, I realized that natural products had the power to solve women’s toughest day-to-day health issues.
The trouble was that I couldn’t find natural, organic, high-quality supplements which solved targeted problems while being beautiful. I wanted to bridge this gap and bring women an efficacious product which really spoke to them."
Siff, Co-Founder of Arrae