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  • 7 min read
When we hear the word “protein”, many of us visualize strong athletes, big tubs of protein powder, or main dishes consisting of chicken or steak. But, protein isso much more than a muscle-building nutrient; it plays various roles in all of our body systems, making it an essential nutrient and helping in keeping our body functioning optimally. Protein exists in what’s called a synthesis cycle, meaning that the body is constantly breaking down, using, and discarding the protein we get through our diet, making itthatmuch more important that we’re getting enough.
  • 6 min read

8 cups of water a day keeps the doctor away…or do we need more than that? We’ve all likely heard how important it is to stay hydrated far too many times. 

With the recent bloom of Hydroflasks and Stanley cups, many of us have become much more in tune as to how much water we’re drinking each day. From plain water to fun beverages, hydration has become a key pillar of our overall health and wellness, with many of us feeling a much-deserved sense of accomplishment when we hit our hydration goal of the day. Water does so much more than just prevent us from being dehydrated; from our skin to our digestive system, keeping our bodies hydrated truly helps us feel our best from the inside out. 

  • 6 min read
When Thanksgiving comes to mind, most of us get excited about our favorite fall dishes all being on one table. From the main event, the turkey (of course!), to stuffing, sweet potato casserole, roasted veggies, and obviously the dessert table, Thanksgiving is about giving thanks, being grateful, and is all about the food. However, this indulgence is usually met with some uncomfortable symptoms: feeling bloated, overly full, uncomfortable, and in need of a quick power nap.
  • 4 min read

When temperatures go down and the leaves begin to fall, we all know that pumpkin season is just around the corner. That means pumpkin spice lattes (there’s nothing like a hot girl walk with a PSL in hand), never enough fall-themed baking, and our favorite candles burning, their scent wafting through our home. 

Although, bloat doesn’t come and go with the seasons; unfortunately, it happens all-year round. Bloat Latte will be your newest favorite fall edition, whether it’s in your morning latte, your go to smoothie recipe, or even a fall favorite: pumpkin pie.

  • 5 min read
Let’s be honest: periods can be messy, painful, and get in the way of our cute, new white jeans. Not to mention, our heightened emotions and sensitivity can sometimes make us feel, well, crazy. But, menstruating monthly is a (very important!) indication that our reproductive system and our body as a whole is balanced and working as it should. Our hormones – yes, like those responsible for PMS – affect much more than just our period. They influence everything, from our energy levels to our cognitive state, our nutrient needs, our sex drive, our bloating, and the glow of our skin. 
  • 5 min read
Have you ever experienced bloating at home, only to go on a (much deserved) vacation and realize your bloat is nowhere to be found? Or maybe you’ve noticed that in times of stress, no matter what you eat, your belly hurts like never before? That’s because our brain and gut are connected in a bidirectional way; this means, whatever we’re thinking or feeling emotionally can have direct and drastic effects on our digestive system! 
  • 4 min read
Oh, bloating. By now, we’re all much too familiar with the stomach cramping, gas, and other not-so-hot side effects that come from eating some of our favorite foods. In fact, about 30% of people say they experience bloating regularly–and many of us can relate! While we wish pizza and veggies wouldn’t make our bellies feel so full and painful, there’s relief in knowing that Bloat by Arrae has us covered.
  • 5 min read
The best way to make sure you, and your baby, are and remain healthy is to incorporate fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins into your daily eating routines. Being a new mom is challenging; from sleepless nights to feeding your baby every two to three hours, exhaustion is unfortunately something that is hard to beat. Eating foods that are energy dense, but also high in vitamins and minerals, will give you all the energy you need to encourage recovery, increase milk production, and support rest, leaving you feeling like the best mom you can be. 
  • 4 min read
We know we all need to eat. The question is truly: How much do we need to eat to be able to optimize our days, keeping both our mental and physical health in mind? While this differs from person to person, the US Department of Health set baseline minimums of 1200 calories per day for women and 1800 calories per day for men. 
  • 3 min read
Did you know that our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs have the power to control our biological functions? In other words, every negative thought or psychological stressor has the capability to make us feel physically ill.
