Arrae Journal
All things wellness from the latest research to details on our products.
- 6 min read
Ever feel like you're running on empty, no matter how many hours of shut eye you seem to get? Turns out, true rejuvenation is more than just catching Z’s. We’re diving into the 7 types of test everyone needs with actionable tips to incorporate each one into your daily routine!
- 4 min read
Dust off that ugly Christmas sweater, warm-up the cocoa, and get ready to sleigh the stress away with our Holiday Survival Guide! From hot-tips to keep stress at bay, to discovering how Arrae Calm is the holly to your jolly, we’ve wrapped it all up for you.
- 5 min read
Let’s face it: stress is a part of life! Sometimes, feeling stressed gives us that extra 'umph' we need to perform at our best, or gives us motivation to head to the gym or finally tackle that to-do list. But, have you ever known you have a million and one things to do, yet all you can think about doing is climbing into your bed, drifting off to sleep, and escaping reality for a little bit? Or you’ve tried to work on a project or brainstorm a list of ideas but you just feel “off” and not like yourself? This may be due to extreme emotional exhaustion, also known as burnout.